Virgo Season 2022 Horoscope: Choose your Words Wisely & Investigate The Truth

Grounded & Intellectual Virgo Season Begins On August 22/23, Turning Your focus Toward Self-Improvement & Productivity. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac ruled by Mercury — the planet of mindset, communication, and analysis — so expect a boost in your mental activity and ease when articulating your point or concerns. Until September 22, when the Sun leaves Virgo and enters romantic Libra, expect constructive criticism and a stronger pull to focus on the finite details of plans and conversations.

When the Sun moves into Virgo, Mercury — the ruling planet of this new season — will receive support from dark and mysterious Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, boosting your mental power and sharp awareness of what's operating beneath the surface. Use your inquisition and intellect to uncover secrets, analyze people's true intentions, and argue for what you want. However, choose your words carefully as your opinions will carry greater significance with more people listening in and trusting your intellect.


Find new ways to be helpful to others this month. Offer to run errands for your loved ones and give constructive advice that will help them embody the best versions of themselves. Virgo season will boost your productivity and put a greater emphasis on your health and well-being. Remember that stress in your mind will manifest as tensions in your body — take care of yourself!


Your dating life will take center stage this season. Be open-minded and avoid letting your high standards influence you to write off someone before they’ve had a chance to show you how great they are. Mercury’s connection with Pluto on the first day of the season will inspire you to begin a new creative project that excites you. Create art, start writing a book, or begin a new business venture just for fun.


Have you been thinking about renovating, redecorating, or tidying your home? Well, Virgo season is the perfect time to declutter and create a tranquil space where you can wind down and de-stress. This month, raise your awareness of when you're obsessing over finite details of what people have done or said. It may also be beneficial to monitor the factors in your life that trigger your nerves and anxiousness. 


Virgo season will illuminate your voice, power to persuade, and ability to guide others. Try to avoid dramatizing your experiences when storytelling or becoming hyper-focused on specific details that will only cause you to worry. People will be drawn to you and seek your encouragement and advice, though they might not respond well to your directness. Aim to be loving and sensitive, regardless of what you’re trying to communicate to someone. 


The Sun in Virgo will bring structure and refinement to your life, encouraging you to get into the habit of new routines that will enhance your workflow and set you up for success. You might need to create a financial plan or budget if you got carried away with treating yourself during your birthday season. With Pluto in Capricorn assisting you through this transition, you have a good chance of actually sticking with your new self-care routines. 


The spotlight will be on you this month, and with the additional boost from authoritative Pluto, you’ll find that people will look to you as a specialist in your field — no pressure! Celebrate Virgo season by being yourself without fear or restraint. Speak up when you have invaluable information to share and help people become their best selves by encouraging them with your advice. Remember that intention and delivery are key when offering constructive feedback.


It’s time to prioritize your mental wellbeing — especially if you’re prone to feeling anxious. Find a comfortable space or mindful practice to help you get grounded and centered, and remember that nobody expects you to be perfect. Dive deep with your introspection and consider whether your innate sense of responsibility is causing you to take inconsequential things too seriously.


Friendly debates, deep and investigative conversations, and group projects will fill up your time this Virgo season. Consider how you can align your short-term goals with the interests of your friends and community to demonstrate that you aren’t solely striving for your own success. Welcome other people’s perspectives in conversation to avoid coming across as too demanding or critical with your point of view. 


Clarity around your life purpose will encourage you to map out all the steps between where you are now and where you’re going. Reflect on the current nature of your working routine and income, and be specific about how you’d like to live and what you prefer to earn instead. Virgo season will supercharge the standards you hold yourself to, so try to avoid beating yourself up over minor mistakes or setbacks — you’re only human!


Changes to your identity and life path will encourage you to work on consciously demonstrating your personal philosophies through your attitude and behavior. Prioritize your growth, development of wisdom, and spirituality this season by re-exploring your deepest truth and researching different worldviews that intrigue you. If you’re looking for a change of environment, this is the perfect opportunity to organize a work trip or go on vacation


Pluto’s involvement at the beginning of Virgo season will set your month off to a healing start. Release your grudges, resentments, and painful memories of distant experiences instead of going over things repetitively in your mind (and notice how your stress is alleviated). Embrace your inquisition and curiosity without forming premature judgments that interfere with your ability to be open and trusting.


Demonstrate how much you care for others by taking every opportunity to serve your partners (platonic and romantic). Rather than calling the shots and taking control, work on your listening skills, and remember, just because someone is venting to you doesn’t mean they are looking for answers and solutions; only help when you are directly asked. You don’t have to fix everything to show you care — just be a supportive figure when people need to dissect their thoughts and feelings.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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