The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus, 2023 Encourages You To Let Go Once & For All

Honing your strength, determination, and endurance, you are preparing for a tremendous energetic release on October 28, 2023, under the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus (nicknamed the ‘Blood Moon’ or ‘Hunter’s Moon’). As the culminating eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio zodiacal axis, the lunar eclipse in tenacious Taurus delivers the final blow of a cycle that began in November 2021. You are freeing yourself from the karmic currents of this turbulent two-year period, ending a journey that has challenged your growth immensely. Whether you are physically evolving from the position you were in when this chapter began or overcoming the psychological impact that the past has imprinted on your mind, the lunar eclipse brings conclusions and closure to heal and finalize unsettled activity in your physical and internal landscape.

What does the lunar eclipse mean?

Lunar eclipses leave you with no choice but to move on. There’s no resisting the abrupt, triggering, and unexpected endings they deliver. Always aligning during the full moon lunar phase, when the Sun and Moon form a tense opposition, lunar eclipses raise tensions, emotions, and the potential for drama, confrontations, and chaos. However, they differ greatly from a standard full moon because they are charged by the karmic lunar nodes, which power their signature disruptive and overwhelming influence. The lunar eclipse heralds life-changing transitions and sudden collective shifts that often feel fated and unavoidable, making it essential to move in alignment with the universe's flow and remain open to the unexpected during this cosmic activation.

What to expect under the lunar eclipse

Tensions are rising as the destabilizing lunar eclipse in tenacious Taurus provokes change in the areas of your life where you are most resistant to moving on. The universe asks for your trust so it can support you in clearing the physical, psychological, and material attachments that have restricted your growth. Charged by the lunar north node of destiny (the ascending node), the lunar eclipse brings much to gain despite its turbulence. Realizing that what you have perceived to be stable ground is actually comfortable terrain that holds no promise of offering you further happiness or opportunities for growth, you must choose to step into the wild unknown, embracing transitions and remembering that you were born to transform. Economic turbulence, instability in your foundations, and the re-emergence of your shadows could influence moments of crises under the lunar eclipse. Your instinct to latch on instead of letting go must be addressed so that you can give yourself fully to this destabilizing lunation. The more rigid, unyielding, controlling, and fearful you are, the greater you will feel the intensity and discomfort of the eclipse's impact.

Think back to where you were in late 2021 to early 2022 when this cycle began – how have your values changed? What limiting beliefs and rigid attitudes are you adjusting? What have you learned about where you source your self-worth?

Which planets are supporting the lunar eclipse?

As the ruling planet of Taurus, where this lunation will unfold, Venus is crowned the governess of the lunar eclipse. However, weakened by its position in Virgo, Venus foreshadows resistance to the eclipse's energy despite your willingness to do what’s best for you. The beginning of an alignment between Venus and change-loving Uranus pushes you to observe your instinctual desire to improve what you must instead relinquish, as this will reveal where you are resisting your destiny.

Abundant Jupiter retrograde stands proudly in Taurus, close to the lunar eclipse, signifying that you are re-exploring your definition of growth and success, identifying how feelings of greed, jealousy, possessiveness, and stubbornness have influenced your beliefs and moral principles. You are discovering a spiritual understanding of your experiences to draw meaning from the areas of life where you struggle to let go. However, cultivating acceptance of what cannot be undone will prove difficult as Mercury and Mars are out of sync with Jupiter. Positioned in Scorpio in a near-exact union, Mercury and Mars challenge you to rise above the temptation to exact vengeance on the people who have hurt you, and instead, transmute your pain into the wisdom gained from learned experience. Choose to accelerate toward growth rather than giving into combative conflicts, hardened attitudes, and narrow-mindedness. Resist falling back into patterns that do not serve your highest good, and set yourself free.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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