November 2023 Horoscopes & Intentions For Your Zodiac Sign

Gone are the days of moving through life without an active awareness of what the universe asks of you. You are seeking adventure and physical, intellectual, and spiritual expansion in November, allowing your thirst for discovery and sense of wonder to guide you further than others have gone before you. Unafraid of inquiring about deeper concepts, you are anchoring into your worldly and wise sage energy, turning your focus toward the bigger picture of life. Both lunations coming up in November – the new moon in Scorpio (Nov. 13) and full moon in Gemini (Nov. 27) – bear the mark and influence of combative Mars – signifying underlying tensions and reactivity as you learn to assert your energy and beliefs in non-confrontational ways. A more self-focused and passionate season awaits – one that you can count on to restore your self-confidence and deliver untamed energy.

  • Want a detailed reading of November’s biggest cosmic alignments? Click here to read our full cosmic overview.

  • Continue reading for your November Horoscope, using your rising sign, for more insight on how you will experience this upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


As you navigate the world, aiming to demonstrate your emotional maturity, you are reforming how you connect to others, allowing your heart to soften and open up rather than push people away through extreme reactions and self-centeredness. Flaunt your charming, diplomatic, and graceful side in November, and embrace other people’s perspectives. As the month winds down, veer on the edge of caution, making sure you have all your facts right before speaking up – especially when people put pressure on you to share your opinon. Don’t get caught up in tedious or petty discussions that distract you from the bigger picture.


Maintaining harmonious workplace relations and having diplomatic interactions with strangers will make you feel good in November. As the light of faith and optimism illuminates the darkest corners of your psyche, you will begin to process recent struggles, stringing together meaning from a higher perspective that you couldn't access when you were in the thick of eclipse season. Your most committed relationships will be challenged by unexpected shifts in your life, testing your ability to work with life’s redirections rather than fighting and resisting opportunities for growth. Trust yourself enough to go with the flow.


Seeking relief from last month’s intense energy, you are guided to focus on dating, creating, and playing in November. Express your artistic side without the pressure to produce masterpieces that impress others, and cultivate joy through creative endeavors that meet your standards. As charming Venus in Libra dials up the romance, flirt freely and be generous with your affections. Visualizing the future you desire with your soulmate will fill you with optimism. However, avoid making promises and over-the-top declarations that you cannot hold yourself to at the risk of disappointing the people who care.


This November calls you to step up and take the lead with work projects. People are looking in your direction for guidance and motivation. Wield your power wisely, using it to boost morale and push others toward progress. Their achievements and confidence will be a testament to your guidance, teachings, and leadership. Changing dynamics in your social life and a sudden review of your dreams and ambitions will call you to reconsider what (and who) elevates your happiness. Be conscious of where you allocate your energy, and try not to worry so much about getting things right.


Reinvigorated by efforts to take more accountability for your healing, you are progressing through November with maturity and self-confidence. Communicate with love in your heart and speak openly about what you value and appreciate rather than filling the room with negative energy and complaints. A spontaneous ‘Yes!’ to adventures will lead you to discover new passions and hobbies that interest you. However, when indulging in new experiences with friends, don't assume you will always be on the same wavelength with your outlook.


You are growing and evolving beyond the ideas you learned during childhood in November. When wandering away from home in search of a more enriching environment, you mustn’t make yourself feel inferior in the presence of those who are older and wiser than you are. As the month progresses, you may feel anxious when separating what you think from what you know when speaking on a public forum. Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t have the answers. Your honesty will be appreciated far more than exaggerations of your knowledge or ideas that you later retract.


Exploring the energy you are trying to embody will inspire changes in your appearance – whether cosmetic or an evolution of your wardrobe to suit your mood and the cooler weather. Soak in all the compliments and subtle admiring glances sent your way, but avoid altering your looks to receive validation; popularity cannot replace self-acceptance. Forget about small talk – thought-provoking conversations about life and the universe will lift your spirits. Be an eager and enthusiastic student but cautious around people who are dramatic and dismissive of your perspective.


Act with a clear and realistic vision of your work goals and intentions in November – otherwise, your efforts won't amount to satisfying material or financial rewards. Be open to a new approach that could see you making more profits and better use of your time, and make sure that your aspirational purchases don't eclipse an honest awareness of what you are able to afford. Unexpected developments in your relationships could cause you to lose sight of your individual life path. Hold off on reacting too soon, as you may later realize things aren't as detrimental as you thought.


Guided into the supportive embrace of your friends and networks who bring out the best in you, you are taking to the spotlight in November, making every effort to be the authentic version of yourself. Allow your faith to carry you forward when you cannot see the stepping stones before you. Connect to a greater purpose that guides your actions and decisions, forbidding fear from infiltrating your mind when the road ahead is uncertain. Pay attention to lessons delivered through your relationships – too much focus on your version of events will fuel the fire of tense disagreements.


Inspired by nature, you are transitioning into a restful period in November as you retreat within to connect to your spiritual essence. Realizing that you are no longer driven and fulfilled by the same ambitions, you will review your manifestations and reflect on whether your dreams are heart-centered and connected to your greater mission and purpose. Despite your absence from the social scene, people will think of you fondly, thanks to your sparkling reputation. Don’t pressure yourself to make a public appearance when the invitations flood in if you’d much rather spend time alone.


You will regain your hope and freedom in November as you remember what’s possible when you lean on your support system and don’t hold back. Pay attention to destined meetings with acquaintances and networks who put a smile on your face and nudge you closer to your dreams. As others extend their hands, helping you to rise up from unexpected twists and turns in your love life and home life, you must continue the cycle. Take the lead with group projects, return generous support and information, and donate to charitable causes. Pouring light into the world will allow you to manifest more luck.


At last, Saturn retrograde relinquishes its grip, allowing you to integrate the hard-hitting reality checks around self-accountability. Soon, the cosmic scales will shift, and people will turn to you for guidance on experiences that are deeply familiar to you. Share your unique point of view when your wisdom is sought, and avoid unsolicited preaching or solely telling people what they want to hear. As the month comes to an end, opportunities for closure and conclusions arrive, warning you to make a careful assessment of which conversations should be kept private. Not everything in life needs to be broadcast on the world stage.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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