Scorpio Season 2023 Cosmic Guidance & Horoscopes For Your Zodiac Sign

Alchemizing Your Shadows, You Are Turning Provoking Encounters Into Opportunities To Heal

Meeting the darkness without succumbing to it, you are investigating the depths of your internal world and shadows with self-honesty in Scorpio season. Sensitive yet controlled, you are embarking on a new journey from October 23 to November 22, one that requires you to learn from provoking encounters that reveal the unexplored fears, obsessions, and resentments etched into your psyche. Ruled by the intuitive water element and strong-willed fixed modality, Scorpio season brings a protective, determined, and passionate frequency, and combative Mars – the ruling planet of Scorpio – activates your survival instincts and uncontrollable urge to protect your still waters. Rather than putting your guard up, you must give yourself to the transformative process that Scorpio season guides you through. During moments of pain and suffering, the gateways to healing flood open, presenting powerful and hard-hitting opportunities to instigate your own evolution. Without exploring what lies beyond the walls of your conscious mind, you cannot begin to see the collective shadow mirrored in your own internal being. Healing internally this season will facilitate healing on the global stage.

Use your rising sign, to read more about how you will experience this upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


You have reached the in-between stage of evolving from your old self into the new version of you. Take care as you shed the labels that once defined who you are and react with an awareness of who you want to be. Scorpio season arrives to help you heal your open wounds. Feel the depths of your pain, grief, and anxiety that have stemmed from your losses, trauma, and heartbreak – but do not get comfortable in this state of being, Aries. Lean on others, therapists, and dear friends to help you grow through what you’re going through.


When you are filled with pain and anger over broken trust, how open can you keep your heart? Shutting yourself off from others may feel like the correct course and mode of self-protection, but building walls that are keeping out the kind-hearted humans who want to love you will not change the past. Your most courageous act in Scorpio season will be forming deep and intimate connections where your body, mind, and soul unify with others, in spite of the risks that come with opening up.


A steady increase in your determination and productivity is facilitating a stable workflow in Scorpio season. Engage with your routines, work duties, and responsibilities with a renewed perspective, focusing on the benefits they have on your well-being, quality of life, and growth rather than ruminating over the lack of external rewards, gratification, or appreciation you have not received. You are in control of your perception of your experiences, Gemini. An intentional mental shift will turn an annoying situation into a learning experience.


Dating becomes intense and painful the more you latch on to people before a commitment has been made. Protect your energy from those who have not demonstrated or affirmed their loyalty to you, but don’t overlook moments to form deep and intimate physical connections with others out of fear of being hurt. Scorpio season liberates you to unleash your sensual, passionate, and magnetic force. Reconnect to what (and who) makes you feel good, and your passion and creativity will rush back in.


Purging and releasing the unconscious emotional experiences that have intricate ties to your childhood, you are devoting yourself to working through your deeper feelings that are sourced from wounded familial relationships or are contributing to rifts in your domestic life. Healing is not about forgetting your past; it’s an act of freeing yourself from the secret resentment, vengeful fantasies, and bitterness that you hold inside. Release your shame and self-judgment that emerge when you fall back into old patterns.


You can no longer ignore difficult conversations in Scorpio season, but that does not mean that every moment of tension has to explode into personal arguments. Ask yourself, Virgo, do you care more about being right than transforming into the best version of yourself? Every interaction is an opportunity to evolve; consider how your deeper wounds affect the way you view disagreements, and reflect on the blame or criticism you pass toward others that you can take more accountability for.


Charging ahead with the expectation of success, you are pouring your energy into achieving your material and financial goals in Scorpio season. Prepared to go to extreme lengths and measures to get what you want, you must strive to achieve with the purpose and intention of healing your self-doubt. Stay away from the all-consuming desire for power or to prove that others were wrong about you. Your intuition is your guiding compass; trust yourself Libra, and vow to accomplish everything you set your mind to.


It’s your season, a powerful moment in the astrological year that puts you in the spotlight, asking you to consider how your ego has interfered with your openness to healing. Overcoming your rigidity to consider an alternate viewpoint, you are reflecting on the aspects of yourself that you see in the wounded collective and in the face of the very people you judge. Break down the belief that you or others must be all good or all bad, and tune your awareness into the unique and ever-evolving blend of shadow and light that exists within us all.


Make valuable use of your alone time in Scorpio season, using every moment of meditative solitude and seclusion to open up and reconnect to your innermost feelings. By exploring the workings of your subconscious through mindful practices and psychological analysis, you are strengthening your intuition and managing your thoughts and feelings to overcome your burdens. By turning your hardships into understanding, you will draw meaning from your experiences that help you to close chapters and move on.


A community of humans who are searching for a soul like yours to welcome into their circle lie in wait for your next transformation. However, you will not be ready to forge these new connections until you release your grudges that have fuelled your instinct to self-protect. Your darkest shadows have held you back, Capricorn, eclipsing your optimism surrounding friendship and the possibility of achieving your dreams. Break down these hardened emotional walls to practice forgiveness, and believe that your pain does not have to interfere with your aspirations.


Any ambition planted in the infertile soil of vengeance, a craving for power, or a desire to control others or make them feel bad for wronging you will only lead to more suffering. Your motivations and reputation are called into question this Scorpio season, requiring courage and integrity to admit when your intentions have not been in the right place and where you have given others an inauthentic impression of who you are. When you approach your goals with a different energy and take the high road, better rewards will manifest.


Unlocking the magnetic power of your superconscious mind, you are clearing the thick cloud of painful memories that you replay in your head and are loosening your grip on the hardened beliefs that you fiercely protect to expand your awareness to new truths and possibilities. Scorpio season calls for a reconnection to your faith without emotional attachments to your quest for knowledge and wisdom. Don’t allow your spirituality to be the very thing holding you back from growth.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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