The Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius, 2021 Wants You To Construct Your Own Beliefs

We Have Reached The End Of A Huge Karmic Cycle As The Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius Brings Eclipse Season To A Dramatic Finish

On December 4, the karmic Sagittarius solar eclipse will be the last that we see along the Gemini-Sagittarius nodal axis until 2029! The solar eclipse will be the grand finale and dramatic send-off that we need to enter 2022 in a heightened state of awareness. The associations of the Sagittarius energy indicate that we will be growing, moving, and traveling on physical, mental, spiritual, and psychological levels.

Solar eclipses bring karmic renewals and new beginnings that we can only achieve once we let go of something major in our lives. This eclipse asks you to trust in the universe and yourself enough to dive deep into new knowledge and spiritual understanding. It asks you to abandon your fears of standing out or not aligning with collective perspectives. It calls you to be a leader and construct your beliefs and values rather than confining yourself to what no longer resonates.

World Events Will Transform Your Perspective

Shifting your beliefs will be a huge part of this eclipse, and you may not even be aware of these mental changes within you. The eclipse will naturally work to purge your old ideas and viewpoints by exposing you to new ideas and philosophies that expand your horizons. Expect new and dramatic world events to be the catalyst of these changes. You will notice that being in the presence of people you used to agree with will feel different as you no longer subscribe to the same mindset and ideology. The message isn’t to intentionally separate from people or ideas but to observe what naturally falls away as you enter the next chapter of your life. Your values and world outlook are not things that should stay the same throughout your life— they should grow as much as you do.

Solar Eclipse Conjunct Mercury

The Sun and Moon will align at 12°21’ Sagittarius with Mercury only a few degrees away at 15°12’. The solar eclipse will absorb the Mercurial energy, making it highly intellectual and explorative on mental levels. You may find yourself with a new thirst for knowledge that takes you on a journey of discovery. Reading books, planning adventures, listening to new music, engaging with art and literature, and exploring different cultures will deepen your understanding of how we all experience life in different ways.

The way that you communicate with others will be highlighted. Recognize when you’ve been too firm or forceful with your beliefs. Where you’ve closed yourself off from having your mind changed. Where you’ve felt an incessant need to prove that you are right, rather than holding the knowing that your truth is sacred to you and shouldn’t rely on others' agreement. Reflect on your relationship with teaching and learning and ask yourself if you listen more than you speak. When you are passionate about a subject, do you close yourself off from new learning? The labels of ‘pro’, ‘master’, or ‘expert’ tell your ego that there is nothing left for you to discover. The eclipse asks you to go forward as an eternal student of life and to avoid such labels as they limit your growth.

Collective Uncertainty

Neptune at 20°24’ Pisces will loosely square the Sun and Moon (within 8°), bringing confusing and unassertive energy where you may be more sensitive to other people’s influence. This aspect indicates that you might be resisting change on a subconscious level out of fear. Significant changes have unfolded on a social and political level this year that have increased the amount of information shared through media channels. This underlying theme of global change and social uprising will continue to strengthen (fuelled by the Saturn-Uranus square), leading you to feel uncertain about the unfamiliarity of the new world order.

Explore New Ideas Independently

It is expected around this eclipse that you will feel confused about what to, and what not to believe, in terms of new information that has come to light since 2020. The eclipse asks you to transcend your fear of persecution and to explore your anxiety over believing what's ‘right'. Notice when you are too focused on communicating your values in ways that other people will accept, rather than in a way that is authentic to you. Connect to how you feel within rather than giving in to external pressures. To avoid being misled by others, be curious, ask questions, explore new ideas on your own, and find the right balance between logic and emotions. Avoid impulsive reactions in a social context as the Neptunian influence of this eclipse could impair your judgment and ability to make quick and grounded decisions.

Give yourself the freedom you desire on a soul level by stepping outside of the confinement of uniformity. This final eclipse of the season will remind us that it's okay to not have a definitive idea, opinion, or perspective on every matter. Be compassionate with yourself if you find that you're going back and forth with your beliefs, and embrace the journey of coming to an understanding.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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