Behind The Aquarius Archetype: A Deep Look At The Visionary Of The Zodiac

Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the zodiac and one of the most misunderstood. Its energy represents the middle of the winter season (in the Northern Hemisphere) and is connected to the Yang polarity, making it masculine in its expression. Aquarius Season occurs from January 20 to February 18 (approximately), following diligent Capricorn season, where you've laid the groundwork for your goals and plans. During Aquarius season, you're likely to feel uplifted and inspired, allowing you to execute your plans with vision and purpose.

Element: Air

Aquarius is an air sign (like Gemini and Libra) making its energy thoughtful, inspired, and mentally agile. It’s this elemental quality that makes Aquarius an information gatherer and more intellectual than it is emotional. The Aquarius archetype seeks to interpret and analyze something to understand it. Aquarius energy is innovative, original, and intuitive. Where others see problems, Aquarius sees solutions — especially concerning social issues, activism, humanitarianism, and politics. Aquarian minds are always at work, and they enjoy being around like-minded friends and communities whom they can share their ideas with.

Modality: Fixed

Aquarius is the 4th fixed zodiac sign making its energy diligent and reliable (like the other fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio). The fixed modality is about power, self-will, persistence, and consistency. The fixed nature of the Aquarian archetype makes its energy organized and motivated; it’s able to structure plans and ideas with ease. Due to the mental qualities and fixed nature of the Aquarian archetype, Aquarians may appear stubborn with their viewpoint and principles and aren't likely to shift their pathway or perspective because others have told them to. Aquarians are incredibly strong as individuals, despite feeling comfortable amongst their friends, network, organizations, and communities.

Ruling Planets: Saturn And Uranus

The dual nature of Aquarius comes from its two planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Stoic and karmic Saturn is the traditional ruling planet of Aquarius and governs responsibility, maturity, and restriction. Uranus, on the other hand, is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Uranus is the planet of unpredictable change, breakthroughs, and spontaneity. Saturn and Uranus work together to create the authoritative and revolutionary nature of the Aquarius archetype. Aquarius energy respects rules and structures that are just, but isn’t afraid to rebel, dismantle, and rewrite rules that aren’t. Evolved Aquarius energy has tremendous respect for what was, which informs their awakened perspective of what could be. While the unevolved Aquarian archetype can be too serious-minded, cold, and insensitive, the evolved Aquarius is naturally authoritative and awakened.

Symbolism: The Water Bearer ♒︎

The Water Bearer symbol of Aquarius explains why people mistake Aquarius for being a water sign (that, and the Aqua part of its name). What represents Aquarius is the person pouring the vase of water rather than the flowing water itself. In Greek mythology, Aquarius was Ganymede, a young and intelligent boy who became the cupbearer and wine pourer for the Olympian Gods. Aquarius is the sign of spiritual rebirth and the deliverance of revolutionary ideas. Its energy is the structure and support that nourishes humanity through profound truths and insights.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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