Black Moon Lilith In Virgo 2023-2024: Free Yourself From Patterns Of Self Victimization

Primal And Empowered Black Moon Lilith Transits Virgo From October 3, 2023, To June 29, 2024

Unleashing its force to empower you to work through your control issues, you’re approaching new curves of growth and healing that are liberating but not always pretty during Black Moon Lilith’s new cycle. Lilith – also called the Dark Moon – is the cosmic embodiment of your raw and untamed dark feminine energy. Unlike the planets in astrology, Black Moon Lilith generates a unique frequency as it is the point along the Moon’s orbit when it’s furthest away from Earth. During the upcoming 8 months, Lilith will be activated by its connection to the transiting planets, yelling for you to regain strength, speak out, and hold firm. Representing the unconscious element of your nature that threatens to break loose when your natural expression is suppressed or demonized, Black Moon Lilith guides you through deeper explorations of your shadows, as healing is the only way to hear your soul's voice and follow your instincts without causing a trail of destruction in your path.

What can I learn from Lilith in Virgo?

You’ve allowed your selfless efforts to go unnoticed and uncredited for too long and now, as you surrender to Lilith’s energy, realizations of this imbalance in your life are riling you up to demand what you deserve. If you’re a giver, you will realize that offering your guidance and support and receiving little in return has drained you, and allowing this to continue would not be loving toward yourself. Or, if you’re naturally resistant to offering your service to others, the cycle of Lilith in Virgo arrives to teach you to give and say ‘yes’ before you start making demands. Speaking up should not be done in the name of biting back, but honing your confidence to set yourself free. Setting firm boundaries and standards to protect your energy from those who wish to take advantage of your helpfulness will restrain you from veering toward the uncultivated expressions of Lilith: a silent longing for revenge and bitter resistance to letting things go.

How to work with Lilith in Virgo

Lilith in Virgo points you toward healing and maturing by breaking patterns of self-victimization when you feel an underlying sense of inferiority in the presence of people you dislike or admire. Own your truth and confess your discomfort, even when it’s easier to pretend you’re okay. Rather than hustling in painful silence and resentment, admit when you’ve reached your limits – especially in work settings. If reciprocation is what you want, you must be courageous enough to ask for it and hold firm, yet humble enough to identify when you’re demanding too much that you aren’t willing to offer or balance in return.

The fight to be proven ‘right’ isn’t always a necessary battle. A sharper awareness of your ego’s drive to dominate others will reveal how your instinct to flaunt your knowledge and expertise stems from unexplored insecurities and fear. Notice how you carry grudges that steer you away from healing. Priding yourself in never forgetting the harmful words or mistreatment others have directed toward you isn’t healthy for your soul. Freeing yourself from the grips of sexual inhibition, you’re learning that opening your heart, knowing there’s a chance of heartbreak or dissatisfaction in your future, is better than permanently holding off and denying yourself the intimacy you desire. The freedom Lilith encourages you to seek exists on the other side of crippling self-critique and frustrations by the little problems and limitations that are irritating – but not impossible – for you to overcome. 

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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